School Rules
School Rules
General Conduct
All pupils are expected to:
- take good care of the school property.
- be polite, courteous and greet the teachers and visitors at all times.
- complete and hand in all assignments and projects on time.
- uphold and exemplify the core values in and out of the school when they are in school uniform.
Attendance and Punctuality
- Attendance is compulsory for students on all school days and students should not leave early for holidays before the term ends.
- Absence from school must be covered by a medical certificate which should be handed to the form teacher on the day the student returns to school.
- Students should be punctual for school. Students will report to school by 7.30 a.m. and will be considered late for school if he/she does not report to his/her form teacher by 7.30 a.m.
- Students must remain within the school grounds once they have reported to school.
Leaving School During School Hours
- Students may request for early release from school if they are unwell or upon request with a valid reason from his/her parent/guardian.
- Students who are unwell and would like to leave early must do so in the company of a parent/guardian or an adult appointed by the parent/guardian, after informing the form teacher and reporting to the general office to contact his/her guardian.
- Parents/Guardians who need to take their child home must sign out at the general office.
- Students should not leave the school on their own during their recess or lunch breaks even if they have supplementary, remedial or CCA sessions.
Pledge taking and singing the National Anthem
- Students must attend the flag-raising ceremony and pledge-taking ceremony every morning.
- Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist over the heart.
- Late-comers, as well as parents/guardians/visitors, who are on the school premises, should stand at attention during the singing of the National Anthem and pledge-taking.
Classroom Conduct
- Students must greet the teacher when the teacher enters and leaves the classroom.
- Students are responsible for keeping the school and classrooms clean and using school facilities with care.
- Students must seek permission from the teacher and obtain a permission pass before leaving the classroom during lessons.
- Students should leave the classroom during recess, unless accompanied by a teacher or if they are given permission to do so.
- Students should seek permission from teachers before using the lift.
- Students are not allowed to eat in the classrooms except during snack break and recess in classrooms or unless permission is given,
- Students are not allowed to bring sweets or sweet drinks (bottled/packet) into the classrooms.
- Students are to wash their hands before and after consuming their meals, they are to rinse their mouth and wash their hands.
- Students should queue up in an orderly manner when purchasing food.
- Students are to consume their food and drinks within the school canteen only except when having recess or snack break in the classroom.
- Students should observe good table manners and carry out the wipe down routine after having their meals.
- Students should maintain the cleanliness of the canteen by throwing litter into the bins provided.
- Students are to return utensils and crockery to the respective stalls after meals.
- Students are to assemble and be seated quietly when the designated recess bell rings.
- Students should refrain from playing or running in the canteen.
- Students should not buy any food or drinks after the first bell for recess rings.
- Students are responsible for their own belongings at all times.
- Students should not bring valuables and/or excessive pocket money to school.
- Students should not bring electronic games, cards and toys to school and items will be confiscated and returned only to parents/guardians.
- All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
- The following items must not be brought to school: metal rulers, sharp pointed objects, pen-knife, matches, lighters and hazardous chemicals.
- Students found to be in possession of such items will have their items confiscated and confiscated items will be returned only to parents.
Mobile/Electronic Communication Devices
- Students are strongly discouraged from bringing their mobile phones to school. This includes smart watches or any devices capable of capturing and storing images. The school will not be held responsible for any loss of devices.
- Students who are found to have brought their mobile phones or smart watches will have their devices confiscated. Confiscated mobile phones, smart watches and other electronic devices will be returned only to parents.
Safe Management Measures
- Students are to follow the Safe Management Measures in the school at all times.
- Students must maintain safe distancing from their peers in and out of school at all times.
- Students must put on their face masks properly at all times except when consuming food and/or drinks.
Smoking/Vaping-Related Items & Products
- It is a serious offence for students to be found in possession of cigarettes, vaping devices and other related items e.g. vape pods.
- Cigarettes, vaping devices and other related items found in students’ possession or students caught smoking/vaping will be referred to the relevant authorities and/or the Singapore Police Force (SPF) for investigation. Parents of these students will be informed and the cigarettes, vaping devices and other related items will be confiscated and handed over to the relevant authorities.
- Students found in the company of those who were caught smoking/vaping will face serious consequences.
Personal Appearance
- Students must be in their school uniform during all school activities unless indicated otherwise by the school.
- Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
- Students are to wear totally covered black school shoes with school socks only.
- Students who come to school on weekends and during school holidays must be in school uniform or in their appropriate CCA attire.
- Students who come to school for the Student Care Services are to wear proper school shoes at all times.
- Students are allowed to wear sandals instead of school shoes only if there is a leg injury.
School Attire
- Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
- Students are to wear clean and neat uniforms at all times and there must not be any stains on the uniforms.
- Students are to ensure that the name tags are sewn above the school emblem/logo.
- Mosquito patches are not to be pasted on the surface of the uniform but can be pasted beneath the uniform or PE attire.
- Hair accessories must be black in colour.
- No jewellery or any form of adornment is to be worn in school.
- Male students are not allowed to pierce ear holes or wear earrings/ear-studs.
- Female students are allowed to wear small transparent/gold/silver ear-studs only.
- Students are not allowed to wear any nose studs.
Hair and Personal Hygiene
- Students’ hair must be neat and tidy at all times.
- Male students hair should be short and neat. It should not touch the ears and the collar.
- Female students hair should be above base of the collar and neatly plaited up if long.
- Female students and male students with fringes should ensure that the fringe is cut above the eyebrows. The fringe for the female students should be pinned up neatly.
- Male students must be clean-shaven and neat in appearance.
- Students’ nails should be trimmed, clean and unvarnished at all times.