Modern Dance
Modern Dance
Brief Description of CCA
Dance communicates feelings and ideas through purposeful, expressive and rhythmical sequences of movements. Modern Dance is not just your usual dance CCA. It infuses the elements of modern dance, jazz, ballet and ethnic dance elements. Pupils are exposed to a variety of dance genres and they learn teamwork through collaboration and communication. Look out for our vibrant and energetic Modern Dance pupils in their captivating performances!
CCA objectives
Modern Dance pupils will be:
- inculcated the love and appreciation for dance during and beyond their school years.
- provided opportunities to give their best and to have a sense of achievement
- trained and nurtured to be a confident and future-ready generation.
CCA teachers-in-charge
Ms Ng Ley Huey
Mrs Winnie Teng
Mdm Elna Bte Hussin
Music Room